As we start 2023 we were excited to be able invite young LGBTQ+ members of our community to join a dedicated Youth Group which opened it's doors on Thursday 2nd February. The Communities Team, in partnership with Salisbury Pride UK CIC have been working with parents, professionals and young people in the city since Salisbury Pride 2022 who have pooled their resources, experience and passion to open up this opportunity.
So many young people have expressed a need for space independent of home and school which is dedicated to them as they find their way through their thoughts and feelings in relation to their sexuality and sexual orientation and want somewhere safe that they can share them.
A mum of a transitioned daughter told us, “If a group like this had existed when my daughter was transitioning, we would have welcomed it with open arms.”
When we were asking the community what was needed and what they thought about our idea to create this group a young trans man told us, “That would be perfect, this event (Pride 2022) is great but it will be packed away when it’s finished and then we will be forgotten about for another year – we need it.”
This is a Safe Space for everyone that expects nothing but respect for others, what else happens is up to you! Members will contribute to how the group will be structured in terms of activities, events and fundraising.
There will be adult volunteers and professionals on hand at all the sessions to provide support if requested.
The group meets regularly and wristbands are issued to ensure no alcohol is served to our young group members.
Our LGBTQ+ Youth Groups provide young people with the opportunity to:
Meet other LGBTQ+ young people,
Make new friends,
Chat and relax,
Take part in activities,
Plan events,
Have fun
and just be yourself in a safe accepting space!
If you are someone with lived experience of the journey as a member of the LGBTQ+ community or a loved one of someone who is and feel you can be supportive by giving some time for others finding their way, please contact us about volunteering. .
The team involved in this project would ask that if you know a young person who is looking for community and don’t know where to find it, please direct them to this group.
We hope to build these groups, have fun, and make Salisbury a more rainbow city!